I once had a student that kept asking me what he should be thinking about while practicing Tai Chi Chuan and I jokingly told him "Don't think, feel" ...continue reading "“Don’t think, feel!” by Sifu Daniel Weiss"
Author: Miriam Marsolais
“One Piece of Rice Paper” from Peter Binkley
In the beginning you learn Tai Chi walk. That's your foundation stone. ...continue reading "“One Piece of Rice Paper” from Peter Binkley"
Practice Invitation from Miriam: Yin/Yang Core
This past Monday in his advanced class Grandmaster demonstrated how we can open and relax our hip by drawing in the corresponding bottom rib. ...continue reading "Practice Invitation from Miriam: Yin/Yang Core"
Wednesday 11 AM Class moves to Tuesday in November
Starting in November our Wednesday morning Restorative class will move to Tuesday mornings at 11. Peter will teach this Tuesday class, and John will teach the Thursday 11 AM Restorative class. The Monday 11 AM Restorative class remains unchanged.
Ikebana Class with Joan Suzuki
Sunday October 4, 1-3 PM
Sifu Warren Miller on Yin and Yang in Tai Chi Practice
As student you may sometimes encounter situations in which it seems that somehow you just can't get it right. Whatever you do, somehow your teacher asks you to do the opposite: ...continue reading "Sifu Warren Miller on Yin and Yang in Tai Chi Practice"
Sifu Munzer Dajani on Excellent Tai Chi Practice
Perseverance, persistence and repetition along with a caring teacher is the key to an excellent Tai Chi practice. Contributed by Sifu Munzer Dajani of Shaolin Martial Arts Center, Sausalito.
Alan Ginsberg Tai Chi Poem
Yadollah Walks on Water!
I am Discoverable
Esalen 2015
Let the Way find me.
Let the Way see me.
Babbling stream,
Breeze on naked skin,
Rain forest of beings everywhere,
Ocean below,
Fire Glow.
Breathe in! Allow.
Our surfaces alive.
Let the elements do the work!
Let the elements dance!
Let the elements sing!
It's all here now, complete,
and I love.
I belong.