Dr. Miriam Marsolais, Founder and Head Instructor of White Magnolia Tai Chi School, is a certified Tai Chi Instructor in the Plum Blossom International Federation of Choy Li Fut/ Tai Chi. She began her Tai Chi/ Chi Kung practice in 1996 as a pathway to recovery from the effects of a nearly–fatal burn injury. She has trained under Sifu David Dong in Albany, California.; Sifu Yadollah Moghaddam in Sausalito and Kensington, Ca.; Sifu Munzer Dajani in Sausailito, Ca.; and at Grandmaster Doc-Fai Wong’s studio in San Francisco. She has participated successfully in martial arts tournaments both as a competitor and judge.
Miriam is also a Jungian Analyst and licensed psychologist in private practice specializing in the treatment of trauma and a faculty member of the Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy Institute based in New York City. She is a student of Dzogchen teacher James Low, a student of Kum Nye at the Nyingma Institute of Tibetan Studies, and has practiced traditional Chinese Brush Painting under the instruction of Master Yun-Chung Chiang. As hobbies she enjoys dogs, hiking, gardening and eating.